Free Download | Harvesting the Heart | Jodi Picoult Novel

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First I must say that I have read and enjoyed other Piccoult books, so I dived into this one with great expectations. I was not pleased by this book. First off, the relationship between Paige and Nick just seems so farfetched. Another problem I have is with Paige herself. I think Piccoult wanted readers to have sympathy for her, or on some level relate to her. In my opinion, Paige was a wishy washy whiner, and how she could even attract a friend, let alone the driven,rich,handsome aspiring doctor is beyond the realm of any fiction. Reading the book from her point of view was almost painful. Yes, it is bad that mom left her when she was a child. Yet, why all the innuendo? Why not just come out and ask Dad why did she leave? Then, Paige hits a crisis and just takes off, no rhyme, no reason. And she keeps running,,,,,,and Nick? I imagine most doctors would recognize depression, yet when his wife that he is so madly in love with has a breakdown of sorts, he is cruel to her. This book made me want to reach out and slap some sense into these people. Lastly, the sterotypes that Piccoult throws in are if you read into things, kind of silly: The rich, cold parents that cast off their son when he marries some "common" girl, the Irish holy roller father who cannot forgive his daughter.Spare me. Quite frankly, if you must read this book, get it used, borrow from the library or a friend.